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community of lifelong learners


What ages may attend?

We are beginning our opening year with multi-grade classrooms, organized by Forms, which serve children who would be traditionally placed in Kindergarten through 8th grade. As the school and our students grow, we hope to organically expand to continue through high school.

What curriculum or educational approach to you use?

We use the CMEC, a Christian, Living Classical approach, developed by the ancients and deepened and sharpened by Charlotte Mason, a British educator living at the turn of the century. It upholds Truth, Goodness, and Beauty as the natural goal and greatest happiness of humanity, being expressions of God himself, and allows the child to be put in touch directly with these aspects of God’s creation that he gave us to better know him, to sharpen our gifts and our character with, and to delight in.

Additionally, the resources developed by the CMEC provide teachers and parents with an thorough understanding not only of what they are going to explore with their children over the course of the year, buy why and how. They provide resources for all the “riches” which some schools consider “extras” (or eliminate entirely) so that your child is provided with all of the beauty our culture, past and present, has to share with them.

How do you approach testing and grades?

The CMEC curriculum includes tests at intervals to assess knowledge and to give the student an opportunity to express and witness all that they have learned so far. These assessments do not take a check-box approach, but emphasize open-ended questions that present students with a forum to show what they have incorporated and put it to the best use, rather than trying to “catch them up” in gaps and encourage cramming. We do not emphasize testing or assessments, but recognize that they give the student an understanding of their progress and the self-confidence to express what they know and have it received encouragingly.

Similarly, we do not give letter grades, but write an individual student progress report for each child at the end of each term. This is an essential component in our co-teaching endeavor with parents, who are the primary educators of their children, so that we can function with them as a unified team in providing their child the support he or she needs to grow in knowledge and virtue.

Do you do any activities outside of traditional academics?

We take nature walks at least weekly, and spend regular afternoons at nearby Cravens Park to explore the beautiful wooded paths, the basketball and tennis courts, and have free play on the playground.

We also plan at least one field trip a term, on which families are welcome to join us! Goals for the 2024-25 school year are: a show at the Casa Mañana Theater, a morning at the Kimbell museum, a visit to Log Cabin Village in Fort Worth, and a trip to the Perot Museum of Nature and Science.

Where are you located?

For the 2024-2025 school year, we will meet as a micro school in the home of the founder, Amy Horan, located in South Arlington, near Cravens Park, by Matlock and Green Oaks.

When do you meet?

We hold school on Monday - Thursday from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm for the Full school schedule. We wish to share enough time together to complete our work, yet still allow families to prioritize rest, play, and social time together.

Further, a family may choose to select a Hybrid schedule, meeting with their peers at the school on two days a week: M/W, or Tu/Th. The family would then complete the intervening materials from the curriculum together on “at home” days.

Do you have uniforms?

No, we do not have uniforms. Although uniforms have many benefits, we understand both the burden of the extra cost to families, as well as the sensory and other needs that individual students may have. We want the students to feel they are at home at school, so we encourage them to wear whatever they feel most comfortable wearing — and if that becomes a self-chosen “school uniform” that they wear every time they come, all the better! But no specific uniform is required.

Do you have any additional support or community for families?

We take seriously our role as supporter and guide in your child’s education — a work first and foremost happening in her home — and our goal is to serve her entire family. We organize regular family social events, as well as service events, where we gather as an educational community to give back to the greater communities in which we live. We gather in faith and prayer, in work and service, and in joy and laughter and good food.

Are you affiliated with a Catholic diocese or any church?

We are not affiliated with any Catholic diocese or any other church, and as such we are not bound to the regulations of those schools which are a part of them. We teach ecumenically to students of all denominations, and we do not contradict the teachings of the church. We will celebrate the traditional seasons of the Christian Church, honoring the feasts and fasts of the children of God.

Our Location

Walking distance to Cravens Park

400 Cravens Park Dr.
Arlington, TX 76018

School Hours
Monday – Thursday
9:30 am – 2:30 pm