An observant child should be put in the way of things worth observing.

Charlotte Mason

At Cor Jesu, students are given short lessons, enough to whet the appetite for their development but not browbeat them with excessive “practice,” and to encourage the habit of attention by offering a single reading, not endless repetition.

We utilize the thorough, well-planned K-12 curriculum developed by the CMEC, for a comprehensive education which we are able to follow cohesively whether at home or in school four days a week. We have chosen this curriculum not only for its excellent content, but also for its inclusion of a wide variety of teaching resources, from methodology and practical tips, to extended studies, to teacher and family community.

Through this curriculum, we are able to offer a wide feast of study. Subjects included are:

All Students:

  • Scripture

  • Memory work: Poetry and Famous Prose

  • Hymn and Folk Song

  • Composer and Picture Study

  • Leveled Math

  • Reading, Literature, Grammar (Dictation), Handwriting (Copywork)

  • Geography

  • Latin

  • Music

  • Dance

  • History

  • Science (beginning with systematic Nature Study)

  • Art

  • Handicrafts

Upper Students:

  • Shakespeare

  • Plutarch

  • Logic & Rhetoric

  • Formal Composition & Debate